Sunday, May 18

Star Trek XI

Well well well. You think I'd be excited about this kind of thing, but in all actuality, I am quite upset. I've always been a Star Trek fan. And I always will be. I have every season of TNG, DS9, and Voyager on my external hard drive. When I first heard about Star Trek XI I was flooded with questions and excitement. And now, 3 months later, I have had some answers but now have MORE questions than before and the excitement is gone.

Do we REALLY need ONE MORE movie about Kirk? He had 7 movies and a tv series. Lets move on please. How about a movie brining all the next generation series together? or one about Janeway? Tell me more about what happened when Voyager got home, or something! Heaven forbid give just us a movie with Capitan Archer and the crew of the original Enterprise. Not ANOTHER movie about Kirk and Spock!

And speaking of Kirk, why hasn't William Shatner been asked to make a camio? Lenord Nemoy was. And of all the people that landed the role of Kirk, we get Chris Pine. Oh? He doesn't sound familiar? Well he should! He's been in such great sci fi and great American classics such as "The Princess Diaries 2" and "Blind Dating." Now I'm not saying that I'm a better pick, or I have and idea for someone better to play the role... but he has not proven himself worthy to play Kirk.

I liked who they picked for Spock though. Zachery Quinto from "Heroes" is a good pick in my book.

Why are Berman and Braga not involved in the production of this movie? They had everything to do with the last 4 star trek films, and the last 3 star trek series, yet they are not involved in this movie in any way.

How many Star Trek: The Original Series landing party members does it take to screw in a light bulb? Only one, but the extra red-shirt will die in the attempt.


Musicmom-Amy said...

Baaahhhaaa! There is the occassional yellow shirt death too! Do you know when it's coming out? Yeah, Shatner was pretty upset when he didn't get offered a cameo like Nemoy. Must have been a slow news day.

Jess said...

You forgot a video of entertainment on this post....